
Holy Week Worship Times

Sunday, April 10thPalm/Passion Sunday – 10am Thursday, April 14thMaundy Thursday – 7:00pm Friday, April 15thHoly Friday – 10amStations of the Cross- 2:30pm Sunday, April 17thEaster Sunday – 10am Live streaming over ZOOMMeeting ID: 814 4427 8398 and Password: 1881Alternatively, use the one-click link belowhttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/81444278398?pwd=NHVUbXhZb3dXenhtM1hQb2pJSElMQT09

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Saint for April 10

Martyr Terence and 40 others beheaded at Carthage Commemorated on April 10 The Holy Martyr Terence and his companions suffered under the emperor Decius (249-251). The emperor issued an edict commanding all subjects to offer sacrifice to the pagan idols. When the governor of Africa Fortunianus received this edict, he gathered the people into the city

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Saint for April 8

Apostle Herodion of the Seventy, and those with Him Commemorated on April 8 Saints Herodion (Rodion), Agabus, Asyncritus, Rufus, Phlegon and Hermes were among the Seventy Apostles, chosen by Christ and sent out by Him to preach. The holy Apostle Herodion was a relative of Saint Paul, and his companion on many journeys. When Christianity had

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Saint for April 6

Saint Eutychius, Patriarch of Constantinople Commemorated on April 6 Saint Eutychius, Archbishop of Constantinople, was born in a village called “Divine” in the province of Phrygia. His father Alexander was a soldier, and his mother Synesia was the daughter of the priest Hesychius of Augustopolis. Saint Eutychius received the first rudiments of his education and a

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Saint for April 4

Pherbutha of Persia, with her sister, and servant Commemorated on April 4 The Holy Martyr Pherbutha (Phermoutha) and her sister and servants were martyred for Christ between the years 341 and 343. Saint Pherbutha and her sister were sisters of Bishop Simeon of Seleucia, who suffered for Christ under the Persian emperor Sapor between the

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Saint for April 3

Theodosia of Tyre Commemorated on April 3 Once, during a persecution against Christians, which had already lasted for five years, the seventeen-year-old Saint Theodosia visited condemned Christian prisoners in the Praetorium in Caesarea, Palestine. It was the day of Glorious Resurrection, and the martyrs spoke about the Kingdom of God. Saint Theodosia asked them to

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